30 Days to a Better YouTube Channel: http://bit.ly/30DaysBetterYT
FREE EBOOK: “The Secret to Building your YouTube Audience” http://bit.ly/buildytaudience
Different creators have different goals for their YouTube efforts. Some want to make money from Google’s advertising network. Others want to reach people. Still others just want to experience the creative release that YouTube offers and find people who just want to participate in their video creations.
There’s 3 fundamental steps that every creator, regardless of their goals, needs to implement on their channel before they can really start accomplishing those goals. I’ve broken it down into steps to make it easy to do.
During this hangout we’ll not only discuss those 3 things, but also hear from other YouTube creators who are already doing these things and more on their channels. We’ll hear their stories, see how they’ve implemented these things, and give you guys tips and advice for how you can do the same.
LV (sneaker guy) – https://www.youtube.com/YaboyLV
Verne – https://www.youtube.com/dahlgrenvb
Rick – https://www.youtube.com/InvinciblePainting
Shaun – https://www.youtube.com/Bracketteers
Scott – https://www.youtube.com/LevelUpTuts
Micah – https://www.youtube.com/micahstubz
April – https://www.youtube.com/fitbananachick
Adrienne – https://www.youtube.com/xoxocooks
VideoCreatorTV’s accounts
— http://www.facebook.com/videocreators
— http://www.google.com/+videocreators
— http://videocreators.tumblr.com
— http://www.pinterest.com/videocreators/
— http://www.linkedin.com/company/video-creators
Tim Schmoyer’s personal accounts
— http://www.google.com/+timschmoyer
— http://www.facebook.com/timschmoyer
— http://twitter.com/timschmoyer
— http://instagram.com/timschmoyer