Learn exactly how to take your initial concepts and turn them into web designs from Jose Caballer.
3:25 The brand attributes help to define your design
5:08 Crafting the value proposition
7:08 Stylescape foundation
10:18 Research which competitor design features to emulate and which to avoid
14:48 Grid Systems
17:06 Sketching Basic UX attributes
21:19 Incorporating the typography and graphic elements from the Stylescape
23:06 Level up your presentation: using the brand attributes and value proposition for copywriting
25:40 If your comps are going to be given to a developer, align elements within grid.
27:30 Remain congruent between your Stylescape and the web design
30:47 Conclusion
After Show QNA
32:05 Q: What device should you base the resolution on?
34:45 Curating Taste: What you place in your Stylescapes matter
38:12 Clarity of design
39:03 Q: What recommendations would you have for print designers transitioning from print to web?
39:48 Working With Flexible Grids
Media Drop
960 Grid System – http://960.gs/
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