Nicholas And Amanda Bayerle, 7 Ways To Create, Build and Scale Your Business and Your Life – Funnel Hacker Radio Podcast

Amanda and Nicholas Bayerle reveal how they have been able to create, build and scale their business at a rapid pace. Their business now focuses on how to help successful men take their business and their life to “billion dollar status”. They detail how through the use of cheat sheets, applications and the phone they have built their dream life by helping others do the same.

Show Notes:

-Billion Dollar Body’s Brotherhood

-What to do when you’re married to your business partner

-Value your body at what it’s worth, a billion bucks

-Filling an event full of people without giving out discounts or free tickets

-Sell your audience on your results instead of the process

-The Bayerles talk about the power of a phone call in a sales funnel

-Controlling “Entrepreneur ADD” so you don’t get distrac…SQUIRREL!!!…distracted

-What Nicholas and Amanda have to say about entrepreneurs creating their business’ funnels


“Well the first step, actually, was getting out every single day for 4 years and meeting people. That was one of the first steps of mastering our message, figuring out what result we’re trying to get people.”

“…at the end of the day people don’t want to buy a process, they want to buy the result the process gives them and the process is just the means of getting there.”

“If everyone could generate a high converting funnel then everybody would do it. But it takes a little refining and to many people stop three feet from gold because they run out of money or they get to scared.”

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