Did You Know That Every 30 Seconds A Child Is Sold For Sex, Labor, Or Organ Harvesting…? You Can Help
Register To Watch The LIVE PREMIERE of Operation Under Ground’s Explosive Full-Length Documentary And Learn How YOU TOO Can Help . https://ourfilm.org
Subscribe to O.U.R’s Youtube Channel Here https://goo.gl/rkjX7g
Human trafficking and child sex trafficking is the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the United States…and the world doesn’t know.
Help O.U.R. go to the darkest corners of the Earth to rescue children from sex slavery. We need your voice to spread the message that slavery still exists today and it’s time for the modern day abolitionists to stand up and say “NO MORE!”.
You can do your part by watching our documentary on child sex trafficking and human trafficking then taking action and sharing the untold story of Operation Toussaint – a limited-time private documentary showing that goes deep into the most hellish places on earth to rescue kids from the grip of sex trafficking. In the land of the free, it’s our job to not turn a blind eye to the darkness. Evil flourishes when the truth doesn’t stand up for itself. Spread the truth. Click here to watch now.
The Underground Railroad was a network of secret routes and safe houses established in the United States during the early to mid 19th century. They were used by African American slaves to escape into free states and Canada with the aid of abolitionists and allies who were sympathetic to their cause. The original Underground Railroad was a group that acted and infiltrated.
We’ve gathered the world’s TOP experts in extraction operations and in anti-child trafficking efforts to bring an end to child slavery.
Our Underground Railroad’s Jump Team consists of:
– Former CIA
– Navy SEALs
– Private Investigators
– Special Operatives
Together with law enforcement, we lead coordinated sting operations against known sex trafficking rings, and rescue children from a life of slavery.
Once the victims are rescued, a comprehensive process involving justice for the perpetrators and recovery and rehabilitation for the survivors begins.
here https://ourfilm.org
What is Operation Underground Railroad?
Rescue Me (Official Music Video) Kendra Lowe & Nik Day
The shocking numbers of Human Trafficking
Child Sex Slavery CBS Evening News Feature
Glenn Beck Speaks Out Against Human Trafficking after watching the OUR documentary – https://youtu.be/E71b6WXIbFA
Find out why we created the OUR documentary with Tim Ballard (the founder) and Russell Brunson. – https://youtu.be/8V4fiJzT074
Watch What Happened AFTER The OUR Documentary Ended and Find Out How Lives Were Changed – https://youtu.be/WL571d8q1kU