MarieTV’s 3rd Anniversary

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MarieTV is three today, so we’re celebrating with some anniversary shoutouts to our amazing MarieTV viewers.

1. The first shoutout goes to Danielle Ford from Young Mom’s Club for the most unlikely pairing. She says, “There are only 2 people in the world whose videos I can’t wait to watch and who I’d travel thousands of miles to see live. And they are Marie Forleo and Weird Al Yankovic.”

2. Next up is Grace Smith for best use of holla. “Before MarieTV I had an impressive resume and a hollow life but after watching MarieTV I have a kick-ass resume and a ‘holla’ life! Seriously, you’ve changed everything Marie, thank you!”

3. Next is the most meaningful comment from a male waxing professional. Omar from said, “For the last 6 years, I’ve experienced a lot of failure and started to feel like a fraud. For a while, I lost hope in the business world and felt that the only way to make it was to be dishonest. Then I watched your “Not Good Enough” video and realized it’s possible to have a profitable, fun, and ethical business. I want to genuinely thank you and your team for making a difference every day and inspiring me to be a better business person and a better person in general.”

4. Next shout-out is for the Most Flattering Amnesia and it goes to Pernille from When asked how she discovered MarieTV, she says, “I honestly don’t remember. But then again, I also don’t remember life before MarieTV.”

5. The Best Multipassionate Career goes to Tracey Vasquez from Tracey is a single mom and has not two but three jobs: a medical editor, part-time dispatcher, and her custom cookie business. Tracy says without MarieTV she would not have learned to be humble and would not have some of her greatest friends like the one and only Tangela Ekhoff.

6. Staying on the theme of sweets, up next is the best Dessert Based Analogy, made by Lissette Guzman in San Diego, whose company Madame X creates short-run custom decorated shoes/accessories and lingerie. She writes: “My Life/Biz plans before MarieTV was like a crazy gooey hot fudge sundae mess melting all over the place (good but disorganized), but after watching MarieTV I’m finding my biz plans/life can be a lovely scoop of chocolate gelato in a chilled crystal bowl, (a little better refined/defined and with purpose) because — I deserve it!”

7. And Lissette’s sweeping the shouties today with a second nod: for the best cosmic discovery. She writes, “In my quest to lose weight, I stumbled across an old “Crunch Fitness” DVD, and one of the instructors was Marie. Her routine was the one I liked most and she had such a vivacious, fun, and engaging personality that I started looking for other videos with her in it. I typed in her name on Google and was happy to find she was not just a fitness instructor but there was this whole motivational ‘Marie-verse’ out there!”

8. Best Great-Grandma Redemption Story belongs to Linda Lochridge Hoenigsberg. Or, you could call this the “you think you’ve got it bad award” because she’s endured a shocking list of ordeals. They include living on the streets as a teen, unimaginable horrors, and being diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. But today, she says, “I have overcome all of this and live a joy-filled life because of a wonderful husband, 3 children, 10 grandchildren, and 2 great-grandchildren, a career I love helping others, and a new venture into selling online information products. MarieTV was the inspiration for that.”

9. Best Unpronounceable Compliment goes to Cynthia Frenette from, who told me “I love your approach, your “voice”, and your kickass-itivity.”

10. And the final shout-out is for the Best Comment that Re-Taught Me What I Taught Her. This shoutie goes to Ese Walter, a writer and radio host from Nigeria who’s empowering young women and men in her country on how to avoid abuse and thrive after coming out of abusive situations.

Ese says: The main thing I have learned from MarieTV is ‘I am not for everyone.’ This singular discovery has delivered me from the pits of despair when I feel my work is not appreciated by people. I just say, ‘They ain’t for me,’ and I carry on with the work I love.”

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